curating conscious content

Case Study 

Workshop series of interactive experiences with LUMINARY THOUGHT LEADERS to assist retreat center guests ACTIVATE NEW THINKING and receive more inspiration to become authentically awakened.


We garnered talent for 40 weeks, two consecutive years. Talent included NY Times best-selling book authors, spiritual practitioners, yoga and self-development teachers including Reverend Michael Beckwith, Mark Victor Hansen, John Gray, Kyle Cease, Shiva Rea, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and many more.



As with every project, we started with authentic, human to human connection with each thought leader, listening to how their purpose driven content would align with our guests, as well as our strategy to increase attendance at the resort.

Value Exchange

In exchange for bringing inspiration and insight to our guests, we offered a week-long vacation to each speaker and their guest. Who could refuse being pampered at a luxurious wellness resort and spa?

Know Our Market

When you know your prospective guest, you know how to create transformational experiences they immerse themselves in and keep coming back for more. We nailed down our guest to the tiniest specifics, and as a result delivered a 94% guest satisfaction rate.

Created a Buzz

With our incredible lineup of speakers in place, luxury offerings and all-inclusive packages, we capitalized on our powerful digital and social presence, as well as the thought leaders, and drove awareness to our offerings to increase resort occupancy. Many weeks ‘sold out!’


The success of building the RYTHMIA community and retreat center was anchored in our deep belief in the transformative capacities of the work being done in our sacred space. We created our outstanding customer ratings & retention through:

Highly personalized, all inclusive, luxury experiences

Unique program lineups and up close and personal with today's top leaders


Attention to detail, from start to finish

We mindfully selected our guest speakers to ensure their purpose driven beliefs and guidance on ‘how to’ would organically enhance our guest experience not only during the week-long visit, but well beyond into their daily lives, for years to come.

What do you believe in?

We aligned our core beliefs to our guest’s aspiration for transformation as the axis of our program development. This commitment to the vision generated business success that translated into thousands of lives touched and changed forever.

The Numbers

The impact of the Rythmia Speaker Series created a ripple for all involved.

  • Social Media Followers – 102,000
  • Digital Engagement – 20MM Imperssions
  • Guest Reports a Life Changing Experience – 93%

Guest Speakers

Digital Impressions

New FB & IG Followers

New Emails

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